Join us on Wednesday 22 August over lunch in a Q&A session hosted by Macpherson Kelley to talk directly with IP Australia’s Mr Gavin Lovie, Director – Pre Examination and Information Services (representing the administration and Customer Operations Group (filing etc.)) and Mr Adrian Richards - Trade Marks & Designs Group Hearing Officer.
Questions being discussed include:
We invite you to continue submitting questions either in your RSVP (or direct to Ken, Malcolm or Mark), as all questions submitted will be answered by IP Australia.
This is your chance to get answers 'straight from the horse's mouth' about anything concerning you about the prosecution of oppositions, the conduct or hearings, or issues associated with your day to day practice (e.g. evidence lodging issues, extension issues, etc.).
This CPD redeemable session is aimed at all attorneys (Patent, Trade Mark and Design), and will provide you with the opportunity to talk directly with these two senior IP Australia officials.
We look forward to sharing this event with you.
Please RSVP directly here.
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